Trefort-kert Offline – the semester starts with a 4-day-long festival

Trefort-kert Offline – the semester starts with a 4-day-long festival
The Faculty of Humanities is celebrating the re-opening of the campus with nearly 500 programmes between 7 and 10 September 2021.
Theatre perforamances, concerts, round-table talks, cultural games, creative workshops, and other exciting events are waiting for the audience at the Trefort-kert Offline festival, where students, professors, colleagues, and staff members can reunite or meet each other for the first time.

The festival will have three main outdoor locations: the Main Stage between building A and B, the KK Stage on the terrace of Könyvtár Klub, and the International Corner behind building 'Gólyavár'. Other locations such as Kodály Chamber Hall, lecture halls, libraries, tents and stalls will also host programmes during the festival. The festival is beginning at 15:00 7 September with an opening speech from the Dean of the Faculty, and with the lecture of Professor Ádám Nádasdy.

Beside the Students' Unon, more institutes of the Faculty, professors, students and admin staff also contributed to the organization of the festival. Due to their work, the tents and locations are waiting the audience with colourful cultural programmes, and fun activities. Visitors can also meet with students and professors as the performers of speeches and concerts.

We are grateful for the work of all contributors.

Further details please find the at homepage of the festival.

*The evening concerts are available only with an immunity card.


Supporter of the International Corner: