200th anniversary of Gustave Flaubert's birth

200th anniversary of Gustave Flaubert's birth
The 200th anniversary of Gustave Flaubert is on 12 December 2021. The Department of French Language and Literature of ELTE Faculty of Humanities commemorates him on the anniversary with a series of events in 2021-22.


Call for short-films for highschool and university students (November 2021 - March 2022). Publication of results during the Gustave Award ceremony: Institute Francais, April 2022

 "Le Gueuloir": reading Flaubert

Students of ELTE give a reading from Flaubert's works: ELTE Trefort campus, May 2022.

Pourquoi aimer Flaubert ? Réception critique, littéraire et amoureuse

International conference with the participation of researchers, writers and translators: 8-10 September 2022


Sponsors of the event: