Let’s create the new logo of BTK together

Let’s create the new logo of BTK together
What symbol or visual sign could represent ELTE BTK the best? We’d like to collect the ideas of our students and colleagues. Let’s create the new logo of BTK together.

The new image of university is being designed, and the faculties can offer ideas to their new logo. We’d like to involve the citizens of the Faculty of Humanities also in the planning process.

We’re wondering what images, symbols, visual items should be used for the new BTK logo according to our students and colleagues. Mainly, we’re looking for sketches and graphic illustrations, but textual suggestions are also welcome. (The actual logo design will be created by a professional, but based on the given ideas.)

A faculty committee, summoned by the Dean, is going to choose the best ideas, and make the final decision.

Your ideas should be sent to kommunikacio@btk.elte.hu e-mail address until 7 March 2021.